Roseville Housing Authority opens project-based voucher wait list

March 1, 2024

Project Based Vouchers

The Roseville Housing Authority will be opening its online waiting list for Project Based Vouchers.

Applications will only be accepted online beginning Monday March 11, 2024, at 9:00 am and will continue to be accepted until all Project Based Voucher units are filled.

For details go to:   

For more information on Affordable housing in Roseville area: Affordable Housing – City of Roseville

Looking for Housing?

Where an adult with a developmental disability lives, varies from person to person, depending on factors such as the desire and skill level of the individual, and what is common in the family’s culture.

Alta California Regional Center (ACRC) assists you in the development of an Individualized Program Plan (IPP). The IPP includes the use of community resources to meet identified needs. The planning process for the IPP includes gathering information to determine your life goals, capabilities and strengths, preferences, barriers, and concerns or problems. Contact your assigned service coordinator to express interest in exploring different living options.  

For more information:

Sacramento Emergency Rental Assistance (SERA)

Applicants living outside the City of Sacramento but residing within the County of Sacramento may still apply for rental assistance from the SERA Program.

There are no SERA funds for City of Sacramento residents (funds are depleted)

Priority will be given to County applicants who have received an eviction notice that has been filed with the court and have met the SERA program eligibility requirements.

Here is the link: for more information.

Alta California Regional Center (ACRC) Connections

Check out the January 2023 Connections from the Alta California Regional Center:

ACRC has been actively partnering with multi-family housing developers for several years. There are many upcoming housing projects that will include housing units for people served by ACRC. Most important is that this new housing should be affordable for people on extremely low incomes and accessible. There is a tremendous shortage of accessible housing, so this is exciting news.