April 16:  Webinar/Workshop on Unique Issues for Special Needs Trust in California and CalABLE

April 16 at 11:30 am  – 1:00 pm PST

The Webinar will discuss the basics of the ABLE Act and how practitioners can partner with CalABLE. A series of case studies will show how a special needs trust tied to an ABLE Account can get the best of all worlds in many cases. The presentation will be one hour followed by 30 minutes for Q&A. 

To attend the workshop in person at the Dale Law Firm, 127 Aspen Drive, Pacheco, CA , please register by sending your contact information to amy@gspt.org.

Space is very limited – walk in’s discouraged. To participate online, link to https://vimeo.com/322354275 on April 16, at 11:30 am

To view past program – go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rl_v9puL5ME&list=PL5dEwlCC642oh1uQMbr0mMnaj_vhAn4ak